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Funded By | : | Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS) |
Primary Target | : | Injecting Drug Users |
Area of work | : | 15 sites in Madurai City |
Injecting Drug Users are one of the high risk groups vulnerable to HIV infection. Uncontrolled HIV epidemic among Injecting Drug Users (IDU) threatens many of the gains made elsewhere in terms of human development. Various Behaviour Sentinel Surveillances conducted by APAC and TANSACS hinted at the immediate need to address this sect of the population in an effort to curb the increasing HIV incidence among youngsters.
PACHE Trust is the first NGO in Tamilnadu to implement a project for the prevention of HIV/ AIDS among Injecting Drug Users (IDUs). The organization has been involved in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS among Injecting Drug Users Project since 2005. Usage of clean and unused syringes is the key message emphasized through the project.
As a step to prevent the spread of HIV through injecting unsafe needles, clean syringes and needles are distributed to target population through the project & the used needles are collected back as a step to prevent their reuse. These used needles are safely disposed by the staff thereafter.
Spouses of the IDUs form the secondary target group. They are intervened and interacted about prevention of STD/ HIV/ AIDS.
The peer educators form a basis for the sustainability of the project, for their major contribution towards successful implementation of IPC & BCC Events. The provision of Drop-in-Centre in the intervention area provides space for the target to spend their leisure time more peacefully and usefully.